AAA Policies

In the effort to govern the practice of architecture and interior design in the province of Alberta the AAA drafts and implements new policies. AAA policies provide transparent and standard guidelines that effectively administer legislation to all members. The following policies have been approved by AAA council and administration. They are reviewed and updated regularly to ensure best practices.

Intern Annual Dues & Professional Development Policy (RB03-2013)

The Intern Annual Dues & Professional Development Policy Registration Bulletin (RB03-2013) advises members of the AAA of a policy put into effect in 2016 affecting the dues and PD program participation of both Intern Architects and Intern Interior Designers.

Internship Time Limit Policy (REG-18-002)

The internship program administered by the AAA is intended to develop professional judgement and skills for a successful career as a Registered Architect or Licensed Interior Designer. As with most professional designations, internship is meant to be a transitional stage and not a permanent position. The purpose of the internship time limit policy is to define a standard time frame for all interns to meet licensure requirements.

Leave of Absence Policy

A Leave of Absence Policy was created in 2016 that grants a temporary leave of absence to Registered Architects, Licensed Interior Designers, Intern Architects and Inter Interior Designers in good standing.

(Adobe PDF File)

Record Retention and Destruction Policy

The Record Retention and Destruction Policy provides the AAA with a standard guideline with respect to the management, retention and disposal of inactive member, company, complaint and hearing files.